Four Cores of Character–Leadership Wired Blog Review
John Maxwell Company’s “Leadership Wired Blog” is a good source of info and inspiration for leaders and future leaders. (<
The most recent blog post, which covers material from Maxwell’s book Beyond Talent, begins with the question, “Are you a person of character?” As a huge fan of periodic self-examination I believe this is a great question to ponder.
The blog’s angle is the relationship between character and talent. However, I believe the points made in the post go beyond protecting and assessing one’s talent and really speak to having a strong foundation of
character in every area of our lives.
In Beyond Talent Maxwell states, “Character creates a foundation upon which the structure of your talent and your life can build. If there are cracks in that foundation, you cannot build much.” Well said, Mr. Maxwell.
Here are the four cores of character from Beyond Talent:
1. Self-Discipline—“The ability to do what is right even when you do not feel like doing it.”
2. Core Values—“Give order and structure to an individual’s inner life, and when that inner life is in order, a person can navigate almost anything the world throws at him.”
3. A Sense of Identity—“No matter how hard you try, you cannot consistently behave in a way that is inconsistent with how you see yourself.”
4. Integrity—“When values, thoughts, feelings, and actions are in alignment, a person becomes focused and his character is strengthened.”
A person with strong character walks with integrity by consistently sticking to their values. Unfortunately, many are raised in families where they were not taught healthy values.
Fear not, it is never too late to start learning healthy values and making the decision to live by them so that you can become a person of strong character. If you aren’t sure of your core values, start making a
list of what you do value. Then fine tune and complete the list using trusted sources such as the Bible.
Thank you John Maxwell and Leadership Wired for your blog and your book. Both are well worth reading.
I would love to hear your thoughts on character.You can email me at
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