personality test
There are many personality profiles out there–Myers-Briggs, DiSC, the Keirsey Temperament Sorter–most of which are used by prospective employers to determine the best hires for their companies. These are all effective at determining personality style, but they take some time and they cost money!

There is a lesser known personality profile that is very effective, very fast and easy to take, and it’s free and fun! Here’s a link: personality test

This profile was developed by psychologists Dr. Gary Smalley and Dr. John Trent. They have divided personalities into four types–Lions, Otters, Golden Retrievers and Beavers. The way they developed this test makes it  fun and easy even for kids to take.

So why should anyone take the test? Because personality tests can be a great tool to help us learn more about ourselves and learn how to communicate more effectively in our relationships with family, friends, and co-workers. For example, if you know their personality style you can:

  • Communicate more effectively with your spouse.
  • Learn how to get a long with that difficult co-worker.
  • Understand how to communicate with your boss in a way that they truly appreciate.
  • Determine the best way to get your child to listen.

Quick Summary of the Four Animal Types:

Strengths: Takes charge, problem solver, competitive.
Weaknesses: Too direct, impatient, and busy. Insensitive to others.

Strengths: Optimistic, energetic, motivating, warm and friendly.
Weaknesses: Unrealistic, undisciplined, lacks follow-through.

Strengths: Warm and relational, loyal, sensitive to others.
Weaknesses: Poor boundaries, easily hurt, sacrifices own feelings.

Strengths: Accurate and precise. Discerning and analytical.
Weaknesses: Too critical, controlling, or strict.

So which one do you identify with? Most people have a dominant animal type along with a secondary animal type. The healthy person who has worked on themselves over the years will find they have a very well balanced personality reflecting different aspects of all four types.

To have some fun and take the test today, then share it with your family, friends and co-workers. By understanding ourselves and each other, we can all get along better!

I would love to hear what your animal type is! You can email me at
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